

A visit to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is a journey through Vietnamese history. It's not just a place to view the embalmed body of the beloved 'Uncle Ho'; it's a complex that includes the Presidential Palace, Ho Chi Minh's Stilt House, and the One Pillar Pagoda. Tourists can walk through the well-preserved historical sites, learn about Ho Chi Minh's life and legacy, and understand the profound respect he commands in . The changing of guards at the mausoleum is a ceremonial spectacle that draws attention.

More than just an architectural marvel, the One Pillar Pagoda is a symbol of Hanoi's resilience and creativity. Built to resemble a lotus flower emerging from the water, it's a peaceful place for meditation and reflection. The pagoda, especially during Buddhist festivals, becomes a site of vibrant religious activities and traditional practices, offering a glimpse into the spiritual life.


Type: Historic Site

Address: 1 Hung Vuong Street, Ba Dinh District

Time: 07:00 - 17:00 

